Student Government

Southwestern University

February 2016 Newsletter

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

Just like that February is over! Your Student Government Association has been hard at work preparing events and working on new legislation!

First off, welcome to our new members! Earlier this month SGA held elections to fill the positions of Natural Science, Humanities, Social Science, New Paideia, Fine Arts, and First Year Representatives. For a complete list of Representatives, please see our website under the Student Government tab on the Student Activities page.

In addition to our elections, there is a new piece of legislation in the works! SEAK brought an idea to SGA regarding the sale and distribution of plastic water bottles on our campus. The new legislation would effectively ban all of those sales and distribution; with the goal of progressively making our campus more environment-friendly and promoting our push to be a sustainable campus. This legislation would affect the Cove, water bottle vending machines only, and university funding (organizations would not be allowed to use university funds for the purchasing of water bottles). SEAK has worked to earn grants to provide more water bottle refill stations, and instead of pirate bike shirts, there would be pirate bike reusable water bottles. If you have any questions regarding this legislation, please contact any SGA representative.

SGA has also been working on our annual Last S.T.R.A.W. event for this upcoming March. This is a week-long event from March 7th through the 11th, with event including self-defense training, a viewing of “The Hunting Ground”, and more! Make sure to mark it down on your calendars and check our Facebook page for updates on times and locations!

We hope you had an amazing month and are getting ready for an even better one! Spring break is almost here, you can do it!



Your Student Government Representatives

November 2015 Newsletter

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

Southwestern Student Government Association hopes you all had a great Thanksgiving Break and have come back refreshed for these next two weeks! November has been a very busy month and the holds true for your Student Government representatives.

Earlier this month, Student Government Association partnered with the Office of Student Life to put on a Bystander Training. This event was open to all students and touched on many different topics including sexual assault/ bystander training, racism, and gender discrimination. If you were able to attend this event and have any feedback regarding it, please feel free to talk to a SGA member; we would love to hear your feedback!

Student Government Association also held our second Student Body Forum of the year on the topic of Student Health. We had representatives from Health Services, Counseling, and Religious Life come talk about student concerns that had been raised, changes that had occurred over the summer, and the services that they offer. They went over the new insurance plans, changes in health services, quick stress relief tips, and worship times for students. If you missed the forum and would like to learn more, feel free to talk to a SGA representative as well as contacting any represented group about their individual services.

Make sure to keep a look out on our Facebook and Twitter pages for updates regarding events for the upcoming semester! Also, all general assembly meetings are open to the public; they are every third Tuesday at 7pm in the Prothro Room in the Library!

-Student Government Association

October 2015 Newsletter

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,
The Student Government Association hopes that you all are having an amazing semester and are staying safe with the change in weather. We at SGA have had a full semester so far and are excited for our upcoming events as well!
On November 14th from 10:30 am to 3:00pm in the Howry Center, SGA and the Office of Student Life are partnering to bring the first Bystander Intervention Training Initiative to Southwestern. Our speaker is Southwestern Alum, Catherine Baggett who now is at the Center for Addiction and Recovery Studies at UT Arlington. SGA will be tabling for this event November 2nd through the 6th in the Bishops Lounge from 11am-1pm, and on our Facebook page, an event has been made for online registration. Only the first 50 people will be able to attend so make sure to sign up as early as you can! We also are planning our regular Student Body Forum for the month of November, and details on that will be available shortly.
During the month of October SGA held its first Fireside Chat of the semester, and had an amazing turnout. Dr. Melissa Johnson and student, Mica Radu, had a conversation with the audience about their lives abroad and the experiences that they gained from it as well as. It was awesome to see the conversation and discussion that Fireside Chats encourage! If you missed this month’s event, make sure to watch our Facebook page for any announcements about our upcoming ones!

-Student Government Association

September 2015 Newsletter

Students, Faculty, and Staff,

First, congratulations on such an amazing start to the semester! Your Student Government Association Representatives are excited for this school year as well!

As many of you are aware, Student Government Association, previously known as Student Congress, has gone under some structural changes, with many new positions being added to ensure the full representation for the students here at Southwestern. Students voted last semester to add Academic Discipline representatives as well as Paideia representatives. This increased our representative count to 36 members. You can see the complete list of representatives on our website under Student Life and Student Activities, on the Student Government tab.

On September 24th, Student Government Association held its first forum on Risk Management Policies. We had a panel that consisted of the new Dean of Students, Charlene Buckley, our acting police chief, Chief Dunn, and members from the 4 fraternities on campus. Dean Buckley gave the audience a brief background on her experience in higher education and her goals as a new Dean. Chief Dunn went over misconceptions about SUPD and the guidelines they follow to ensure the safety of students. In addition to that, each fraternity member had a chance to go over their individual house policies regarding risk management; this included security, sober members, registered parties, and non-party nights. The complete minutes from the forum are also located on our website under the forums tab.

Thank you for your time, and we at SGA hope to continue to work with the Southwestern Community to further take care of the needs of the students. Please be sure to like us on Facebook as well, at Southwestern University Student Government Association, and Twitter, @su_gov, for all of our updates regarding Student Government.



Student Government Association

Risk Management Forum Minutes

64 people in audience

24th September 2015 

Risk Management Forum 

Bishops Lounge 6:00P.M.

– Marisa gives introduction

– Meetings open every third Tuesday at 7P.M. in Prothro room 2nd floor of library

– Emily gives explanation of why the form

– New Dean of Students Mrs. Charlene Buckley gives her introduction of who she is. She’s all

about small community and wants to know everyone.

SUPD active Chief Dunn speaks.

Misconceptions and positive things

1. An officer mistakenly informed female students about being on the second floor of a fraternity house and this has been corrected, SUPD has no authority of who can and can not be in the house. The chapter has internal rules.

2. Public display, officers can not look in cups or smell. They must have an extenuating reason to do so.

– props are shown

– no color cup rule

  • if it’s alcohol in a can/bottle then yes it’s public display
  • if student is obviously intoxicated then they have the authority to look in the cup

3. Officers are not hunting for students, they just want to ensure the safety of everyone.

4. SUPD statistics

5. Officers will be limited on how long they stay in one spot but will patrol around high traffic areas


1. escort services, if you don’t feel comfortable and an officer can escort you to your


2. bicycle registration, your bikes are safe

3. driving/riding reward system, officers will be observing for exceptional skills and

you’ll be rewarded with prizes. Use your blinkers and don’t forget to stop at stop


4. everyone deserves to treated with respect. Officer Dunn’s office is always open for student to come in and talk to him.

  • Derek Timourian speaks on behalf of student activities
  • any student organization can serve alcohol if they follow certain guidelines
  • all rules and regulations can be found on the student active’s pages
  • Thursday October 8th another TIPS workshop will be taken place

-Dakota Skinner, Phi Delta Theta president

-number one priority is safety

– all registered parties are in Howry

– 3-5 sober managers

– turn away anyone who is noticeable intoxicated

– Dillion O’Dell president Pi Kappa Alpha

– everything was revamped over the summer with the help of the administration and their alumni

  • less events with alcohol
  • more security

– 100 people alcohol is present there will be an officer

– bigger parties will have two officers

– minimum of 8 people sober, this ensures 20% of fraternity be sober

– no women allowed upstairs in bed rooms Thursday through Sunday and if they have an event on a Wednesday night this will then apply on Wednesday nights

– no first years upstairs at all

– 40% of members tbs certified

– Tommy Fraser, Kappa Sigma President

– follow all rules

– one way in, serval ways out

– educates brothers

– general rule party monitors looking for

– can not bring own drink in

– looking for anyone visibly intoxicated

– risk managers will be wearing duct tape

– anyone is welcome to suggestions

– Stephan Meyer, Kappa Alpha Risk Manager

– after 150 people officer will be hired

– 6 people will be sober all night for parties of 150 or higher

– no one can enter house that are visibly intoxicated

– no containers with liquid

– backpacks will not be allowed in house other than purses

– risk management will be on Facebook

– everyone/ anyone must register before going to party

– must be 21 to drink and you will be monitored

Questions and Answers

Q: Are any other fraternities putting their rules online?

A: Pike currently does not have theirs on Facebook but they are going to out a letter out via the megaphone. Kappa Sigma never thought about it before but will do that and Phi agrees also.

A Word from SGA: 14 September, 2015

Students, Faculty, and Staff,

Exciting news from your Student Government! We have now filled our General Assembly positions, which you can now view under our Representatives tab. We will be having our first meeting this Tuesday, September 15th,  in the Prothro Room in the library.  All of our meetings are open, so please feel free to come and join us!

Thank you,

Student Government Association

A Word from SGA: September 4th, 2015

Welcome back students, staff, and faculty!

As many of you know, SGA position applications have been sent out for the new 2015-2016 school year. We have many new positions available for students as part of our new structure change that was voted on by students last spring.  Students, please make sure to fill these out and turn them in by September 7th, if you wish to run. Elections will be held on the 11th via an online forum. Good luck to all those apply and remember to check back to know who will be representing you!

-Student Government Association


Welcome to the new site for Southwestern University Student Government! Please be patient as we work (quickly) to shift over to our new home. Please let us know if you feel anything is missing from the site or is outdated.

Student Congress

March Student Body Forum

Student Body Forum is today at 11:30am. Check back for updates and minutes soon!

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